New Look Website

Refreshed, revitalised and ready for 2023!

We took the opportunity with the start of the New Year to rebrand and relaunch our Parish Council website. In partnership with a local web development company in Galgate, we have established an expanded, more accessible and more relevant website.

The most significant improvements include,

  • Registering as a site, demonstrating that we are a genuine government administration
  • Developing a new and easily identifiable brand to better communicate our purpose and the work we do
  • Establishing a Projects section to highlight the larger investments, and a News section to share the latest progress
  • Creating a clear and easily accessible Archive for parish matters of public record, to ensure the maximum possible transparency around decision making
  • Adding contact information in one location for all Parish Councillors, Lancaster City Councillors, Lancashire County Councillors and our Local MP
  • Creating a Community space to showcase and share all the vibrant and diverse local community organisations and activities within our parish

There is still plenty to be done, and updating the web pages is a never-ending task, but we believe it’s a great improvement over the previous website and one that, with continued effort, we hope will deliver real value to those who access it.

Author – Peter Mather